Death Plumes (formerly known as Rocket Vomit) have taken the opportunity over the past few months to play gigs big and small. From the concrete steps of VCU’s Commons, to DIY home venues, and more traditional settings like the Camel, the three-piece have managed to make a name for themselves with their fervently abrasive punk sound that blends the traditional bluntness of the genre with a refreshingly heartfelt sensibility.
The group consists of singer/guitarist Evan Solomon, drummer Zach Bruington, and bassist Jackson Prior. Every member is in their mid to late teens; Solomon and Bruington are both high school students and Prior is planning to start classes at VCU in the near future. A few months ago they got together to do some DIY recording in a makeshift bedroom studio. Two demos from those sessions were recently released onto streaming platforms in the single “No More Kim Kelly” including the titular track as well as a second song, “Eraserhead.”

The track “No More Kim Kelly ” opens with a frenetic verse and prechorus complete with booming drums and an insistent guitar riff that compliments biting lyrics recounting a frustrating fraught relationship. The frenzied sounds reach a fever pitch before cathartically disentangling under the lyric “I hate being fucking ignored.” Overall, the song provides a dynamically diverse and bold portrait of a relationship turned sour.
“Eraserhead” is more straightforward. It centers around a springy rhythm and slightly off kilter melody that meanders between a catchy verse and simple hook. The song is suitably bombastic and in your face, in contrast to the more introspective title track. The lyrics also come across as more loose and straightforward, with the hook of the song centering around the repetition of the simple line “Demon comfort me.” This track proves Death Plumes’ affinity for effortlessly succinct and memorable punk songwriting.
“No More Kim Kelly” is an impressive and original debut. It’s gritty, amateur production almost manages to capture the energy and sound that the band delivers live. Death Plumes are just getting started, and they’re definitely an act to look out for in the near future.
Stream “No More Kim Kelly” on Spotify –
Death Plumes on Instagram – @deathplumes