First Creative Review


Creative Review Launch Party-4

by Jose D’Alta, Copy Editor

photography by James Saulsky

It feels like yesterday when the thought of hosting a night to showcase Richmond’s heart and soul first began to float in the meeting rooms of VCU’s Student Media Center. At first the idea seemed somewhat far-fetched, and too ambitious to be realistic. As far as any of us knew, nothing like it had been done by a publication like Ink. If you were at Circle Thrift  & Art Space last night, then you definitely know that we couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Creative Review Launch Party-1

Creative Review Launch Party-2

Creative Review Launch Party-14

Ink Magazine’s first ever Creative Review featured the work some of our city’s most talented and creative residents. Circle Thrift’s main room was bursting with people who came to admire the real-life renditions of a selection of pieces featured in the newest issue of the magazine, from Daniel Torraca and Keith Pfeiffers’s wildly imaginative illustrations, to Emila Hernandez’s elegant, beautiful design-work. At the end of the storefront, Richmond’s own beat-making mafia, Satellite Syndicate, set up shop and got to work. The night’s soundtrack featured live sets from BSTFRND, OZARK, ScoopKid, James Dangle, and Døøf. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, what would’ve otherwise been a regular Thursday night turned into the best weeknight of the month.

Creative Review Launch Party-13

Creative Review Launch Party-3

Creative Review Launch Party-9

Creative Review Launch Party-5

Creative Review Launch Party-15

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, if there’s anything that Richmond has going for it, it is the incredible group of artists, musicians, and artistic types that call it their home.  We might all be broke as shit, but the place we live in is balls-rich with creative talent.

