Keeping Up With Rams Community Bazaar

Ink drawing by Mandy will be on sale at the Bazaar

Brandon Geib
Guest Columnist

Ink drawing by Mandy will be on sale at the Bazaar
Ink drawing

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by Mandy will be on sale at the Bazaar

If you guys haven’t already picked up the new issue of INK you need to get on that immediately! There is some great stuff in there. One of the articles is an interview conducted by yours truly with Jessica Shim from Green Unity. April 22, that is Tuesday people, is Earth Day. In honor of this Green Unity is putting on their annual Bazaar in Park Plaza, better known as the little atrium behind Hibbs, from 11am to 3pm.

As the date swiftly approaches we have some updates to the story in the magazine on the cool stuff going on. While Sneed’s Nursery and Common Threads have both

Another Ink drawing by Mandy
Another Ink drawing by Mandy

participated in the past, they will not be joining the Bazaar this year. However, Common Threads has sponsored the event by putting together-shirts for vendors, staff, and volunteers, and the Office of Sustainability will fill the plant gap left by Sneed’s by holding a terrarium workshop. This one is something I can personally get behind as a great way to bring some color and fresh air to your probably stale apartment.

There are going to be a ton of other vendors and activities as well, from contributing to a charcoal mural, and making t-shirt bags to creating with watercolors, pencils, or language about the environment and sustainability. There will also be ink drawings, jewelry and local clothing shops set up. The Diversity of these vendors comes from their potential to be filled by anyone. While the event is locked down with some incredible vendors already the Fall’s Harvest Bazaar isn’t too far away and any and all of you artsy and environmentally savvy individuals should swing by for inspiration, and get ready to keep VCU’s community engaged in the arts next fall.

The whole event is free to walk around and enjoy. So grab a friend and a free hour and go look at what is happening in the community. See some art, build a flowers home, and enjoy Richmond’s culture as spring rolls in. I will see you all there!