Ode to the Paper Magazine

by Allison Oberlin


I’d love to have a seat

and spend some time with you

With your magical photographs

and advice on good Thai food

With your thick pages

filled with influencers and flare

That somehow gets ink on my fingers

…. like everywhere

For those with men troubles

Those who want to have their hair curled

Those who haven’t a minute to spare

Those who have all the time in the world

For those who love nostalgia

And getting back to the good ole days

Before life was too complex,

and people on TV actually looked their age

Now my dear flimsy friend,

you are in a bit of a rut

You are losing out,


Today people of all ages,

they search for what’s new and now

Kendall Jenner’s outfit yesterday

Cannot be found somehow…

But do not fret,

I will be there for you,

until the very end

Whether it’s in a thousand years

or next weekend.