Music Review: “No More Kim Kelly” – Death Plumes

Death Plumes (formerly known as Rocket Vomit) have taken the opportunity over the past few months to play gigs big and small. From the concrete steps of VCU’s Commons, to DIY home venues, and more traditional settings like the Camel, the three-piece have managed to make a name for themselves with their fervently abrasive punk sound that blends the traditional bluntness of the genre with a refreshingly heartfelt sensibility.

Over the past two weeks, I’ve found myself getting closer to VCUarts landscape photographer, Lily Hobart (@lilyhobartt) – a junior in the Photography + Film department. We first bonded in September of last year after learning that we had both transferred from The School of The Art Institute of Chicago. After establishing a desire to be more connected to the wilderness, we both decided to come here. As time progresses and I work beside her in the darkroom, I’ve become increasingly enchanted by her portraits of Earth.
A chat with Sophie Copeland about her time at VCUArts, the ideas that influence her art, and challenges as a ceramic artist.

This past week I had the pleasure of interviewing a senior in the Craft and Materials Studies department, Sophie Copeland. Sophie’s elegant and edgy ceramic pieces caught my eye, and I grew curious about the meaning behind her works.
Richmond’s Graffiti Gentrification: The Underlying Effects of Street Art

When I moved to Richmond two months ago I was amazed by the art that seemed to pop up on every street corner. Everywhere I went, people were spraying murals and messages, like the city was their canvas. Having grown up in suburban neighborhoods, street art was a foreign concept, something only found in a “real” city. I had always associated murals and street art with a symbol of rebellion, the voice of the people who don’t care about the bureaucracy and the rules.
Twyla’s Memory

“Twyla’s Memory” is a seven-photo photo series exploring narrative elements in Toni Morrison’s short story, “Recitatif.”
Weekly Roundup

What our staff has been looking at, reading, and thinking about.
Weekly Roundup

What our staff has been looking at, reading, and thinking about.
Weekly Roundup

What our staff has been looking at, reading, and thinking about.
Weekly Roundup

What our staff has been looking at, reading, and thinking about.
Weekly Roundup

What our staff has been looking at, reading, and thinking about.
Weekly Roundup

What our staff has been looking at, reading, and thinking about.
Weekly Roundup

What our staff has been looking at, reading, and thinking about.