She once lived in a brick city – Fashion editorial
“Her clothing tells her story. She expresses herself with them. No matter where she may be or who she may be with, the way she lived and dressed will always be the same.” – Maddy M. Photographer | Jennifer VanSteenburgh Fashion Stylist | Mikayla Baumgartner + Cierra Artis Model | Aminata Jalloh + Aba Mfrase-Ewur […]
Outcry From Both Sides of the Table at the Public Forum Over Police Conduct in RVA
By Amelia Heymann, contributing writer This past Monday’s public forum between police and citizens of Richmond, including the activist group Justice RVA, discussed police’s treatment of citizens and police conduct during these interactions. The night seemed to have two sides of the table: people who thought the police were doing a great job, and those […]