Tuesday Riding

Creative Director: Selah Pennington Production Assistant/BTS: Elliot Crotteau Models: Joe Chanhee Davis, David Handforth, Daniel Lamont, Mill Swamp Indian Horses

Idolizing the City

Being an artist is a constant, overwhelming, all-consuming obsession. It’s a hook at the nape of your neck, dragging you along so you can never quite see where you’re going; it’s a gnawing in your stomach, a persistent craving for a food you can’t place; it’s a staccato plucking at your hamstrings. It keeps you […]

Consumption of New Doesn’t Solidify Style

Have you ever been in a store and seen an item of clothing or accessory you feel you absolutely have to have? Feeling as though if you walk out of the store without this item, you’ve missed out on something, and god forbid another individual were to gain this possession. Somehow, acquiring it adds to […]

What it Means to Be P*l3stinian

I wish I was born with a handbook on how to go about life. Something to show me how you’re supposed to live knowing your people are being ethnically cleansed, knowing that the place your grandparents grew up in is in complete and utter destruction. How do you go about life feeling guilty because it […]

Letter in Solidarity with Palestine

The staff of Ink Magazine want to make an unambiguous, decisive declaration of support for a free Palestine. As a VCU student publication, we want to show support especially to the student organizers and protestors who have been treated unjustly by university administration, as well as the VCU, Richmond City and Virginia State Police. Student-led […]

A Letter to the Forever Young

From: Aurelio Herrera-BabbitSuburbs of Richmond, VA March 13, 2021, 8:17 PM To: You Location Unknown I was parked outside a drug dealer’s basement.  Inside it was carpeted concrete. Two lazy boy recliners across from one couch, forming a loose triangle. Occasional footsteps echoing overhead. And the steady “BZZZZZZZ” of cicadas pulsing through the thin plaster […]


Creative Director: Jaylyn Johnson Photographer: Kobi McCray Production/Photographer: Akili Williams Stylist: Emily Mance BTS: Anaisa Brooks Model: Nao Ishibashi

‘Okay, I’m Back’: Makai Gillis, First Show of the Semester

Scenes from Makai’s Birthday shoot at the CNTR venue in downtown Richmond 2020 was a year of chaos, the pandemic was in its prime and most people were stuck in their houses. In Suffolk Virginia, 13-year-old Makai Gillis utilized this time to pick up a new creative hobby.  “I was bored,” Makai said. “Then I […]

Assigning Horror Movies to Your Confessions

As Halloween passes us by, it’s only right that we spend the following days embracing our fear through music, outfits and festivities. If you’re lost for ideas on what you could do this month, let us help you out.  Here at Ink, we believe movies are a great way to start. One good movie can […]

How Arca and Queer Creators are Redefining Reggaeton

I can remember when I was around 6 years old listening to the biggest hits on HOT 99.5 on the drive to school. That was the extent of the music I listened to, except for in the evenings when I would do my homework on the dining room table. My father would cook carne asada […]

The Nature of “Charm” by Clairo

At the end of our staff meeting, some fellow Ink writers and I conversed about what our songs of the summer were. It was a conversation where notorious releases were mentioned and artists I’ve never heard about were introduced. As it became my turn and I attempted to share my love for “Charm,” one staff […]