How Arca and Queer Creators are Redefining Reggaeton

I can remember when I was around 6 years old listening to the biggest hits on HOT 99.5 on the drive to school. That was the extent of the music I listened to, except for in the evenings when I would do my homework on the dining room table. My father would cook carne asada […]
The Nature of “Charm” by Clairo

At the end of our staff meeting, some fellow Ink writers and I conversed about what our songs of the summer were. It was a conversation where notorious releases were mentioned and artists I’ve never heard about were introduced. As it became my turn and I attempted to share my love for “Charm,” one staff […]
Gleaming the Lewd: A Tour Guide to Our Sex Playlist

In the beginning, there was a simple flute. Created by a Neanderthal man and consisting of a singular cave bear thighbone that was drilled, hollowed, cleaned, and eventually blown through, it’s the oldest evidence we have of a musical instrument created by humanity. If there’s anything I’m sure about on this wonderful planet Earth, it […]
Tiny List

In 2008, Bob Boilen was at a Laura Gibson show in a crowded, noisy dive bar with his friend and producer, Stephen Thompson. He made a joke to the singer that the bar was too loud and that she should just come play at Bob’s desk instead. They laughed it off, but a few weeks […]