Wolf Alice’s Sensational Performance

British alternative rock band Wolf Alice left a night to remember with their sonically powerful arrangements and high energy as performers. 

Wolf Alice recently released Blue Weekend in the summer, four years after their second album Visions of a Life entered the music world in 2017.  Listening from beginning to end of the new album, it really proves they carved out space to really craft their narrative within those years. Notably, they’re back with an unmatched talent with their storytelling. 

Cherub, Ghost Beach, and Gibbz at the 9:30 Club

Written and photographed by James Saulsky, guest columnist “This is a song about bathroom stalls and cocaine. When you combine those things a lot of things can happen…and they’re all fucking awesome.” That was the introduction Cherub guitarist and vocalist Jordan Kelley gave for their song Heartbreaker. As the crowd at the 9:30 Club in D.C. […]