Our Weekly Roundup: Philosophical Thoughts and Catwalks

Taylor:  Women who, by their thoughts and insights alone, should be considered philosophers, but who, for various reasons (most succinctly misogyny), are written off as crystal-licking lunatics, or mommy bloggers or otherwise vapid bestseller genre self-helpers. Namely, prolific writer and ex-presidential hopeful Marianne Williamson, Liz Gilbert of “Eat, Pray, Love” fame, and Glennon Doyle, author […]

Sweet Viscera

Love is patient, love is kind. From outside to in; love is visceral. A happy valentine’s day from INK to you. Creative Director: Beaux Reeder Bijoux Photographer: Julie Dinh Models: Jaylyn Johnson & Abdou Sanda Stylist: Paige Perkins Production & Lighting Assistant: Megan Piston BTS Documentation: Kendahl Bell

Songs of Resistance

If you look up a list of “greatest protest songs,” nine times out of ten you’ll receive a list heavily reliant on the western popular canon, i.e. Dylan, Rage Against The Machine, and if you’re lucky, Public Enemy. These are all good, and all essential, but I think that sort of view can lead to […]

Our Weekly Roundup: Burning Holes in Our Brains at Junkyard Raves

Lareina:  I’ve finally bitten the bullet and started listening to techno music. My friends and I have been haunting local raves and I’m pretty sure I’ve already lost half of my hearing. Pound it through my ears, pound it through my soul, OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ!! My parents are very proud.  Mason:  Today, I want to […]

Doll Parts

Sydney Folsom takes beauty to the extremes in her gallery of Frankenstein paper dolls.  The fashion and beauty standards within pop culture praise things like swollen lips, suffocating clothing, and other severe trends all to achieve the perfect look. These severe body modifications have become a social media norm that leaves us asking: what’s next?  […]

Styling Success: Ap0cene’s Tech-Infused Journey in the World of Fashion

Ap0cene stands as a dynamic virtual marketplace and community dedicated to championing designers who align with their ethos of sustainable luxury fashion. Founded and operated by trio Ariel Arakas, Elissa Rumford and Sam Walker, the platform serves as a beacon for the modern era of fashion. My enthusiasm for the fashion industry led me to […]


Have you ever been listening to a band or artist and thought to yourself, “I wish I knew this guy sooner?” Your chance at redemption is now and the artist is promising! Natalie Wu, or Wisp, a 19-year-old hailing from San Francisco, is an independent shoegaze artist who has fans flocking to her like moths […]

Our Weekly Roundup: ‘Devil May Cry,’ ‘Fooly Cooly’ and Warm Winter Nostalgia

Walker: As of late, I have been playing a lot of the games in the “Devil May Cry” series. Following a half demon, half human devil hunter named Dante, the game mostly consists of raunchy humor, wacky gameplay and fighting otherworldly monsters. It’s very early 2000s, PS2-type edgy charm. Illustration courtesy of Capcom Natalie: The […]

Frost and Beef Stew

What does winter sound like? Is it best soundtracked by warm, cozy sonics that fit themselves snuggly into our ears like a child curled near a crackling fireplace? Or do angular, glacial sounds better match the cold and isolation the season often brings?  Ink’s music writers have been reflecting on this dichotomy as VCU’s campus […]

VCU vs. the Pedestrian

Look both ways. Car headlights go past. The street is clear. Footsteps on the pavement. Make it to the other side without a backward glance.  Until they don’t.  Travesty paves Richmond’s streets. Ask anyone on campus and they’ll tell you their own horror story of driving in this city. It’s practically built into the roads, […]


Why did we stop wearing helmets as we began to live alone?  I can still feel the push of my head into the white helmet, my dad securing it on, it pinching my skin a bit when he buckled it. We lived in a cul-de-sac, which was prime real estate for playing and making donuts […]

Our Weekly Roundup: Greek Mythology is the MCU for Women

Naomi:  I’ve been in Greek Mythology hell, because it’s basically the MCU for women. Stan Clytemnestra, stan Medea. Recently I’ve been enraptured by The Song of Achilles, because as a trans girl, I’ve always felt a kinship with Greek femboys. I’d like to imagine that if I lived in Ancient Greece I would be a […]