Featured Artist: Sandra Whittington

Rebecca Metcalf Web Editor Sandra Whittington is a photographer that has focused on the human form – in particular women and how they are represented – for a long time. With her work appearing at the Anderson Gallery and Space.88 her work is known for its candid confrontation of our perceptions of people, her recent […]

Street Art Is(n’t) Vandalism

Morgan White – @MorganWReport Guest Columnist There are several cultures within art. Each part of art has its own subculture filled with their own motivations, attitudes, and overall goals. To the average man who’s outside of the realm of street art the words are most easily translated as graffiti. However, when asking artists themselves about the […]

‘How I Live Now’ Film Review

Kiara Moore Guest Columnist I’ve been really into apocalyptic films lately. It’s more than a sit on the edge of your seat and bite your nails experience as I watch people panic when the world falls apart. There is something really profound and compelling about them. Watching our carefully constructed world descend into chaos can […]

Artist of the Week: Tres Dean

Ink Magazine (IM): So to start from the beginning here, what was it originally that got you interested in creative writing for comics? When did that sort of interest begin? Tres Dean (TD): Well, it’s kind of a tough thing to pinpoint, because telling stories in any format, and  also superheroes and comics as a whole, have […]

INK Speaks to Quirk Gallery

Esther Eom Guest Columnist Quirk Gallery, located on 311 W Broad Street, features exhibitions of innovative work by both established and emerging artists. The Quirk shop offers thoughtfully selected inventory of unique, practical and decorative items. I spoke to Adam Dorland, the shop manager and Mary Fleming, the gallery director about Quirk and what it […]

An Interview With The Face Behind @VCUfashion

Esther Eom Guest Columnist I sat down to talk with Kylie Dougherty, a Fashion Merchandising student in VCUarts, about her involvement with VCU Fashion as well as her interests in fashion. As a social media intern, she provides the latest news for the VCU Fashion Department via social networks. After her visit to Italy last […]

Artist of the Week: Maxwell Runko

Caroline Zemp Guest Columnist VCUarts, as many students are aware, is voted one of the top public art schools in the country. Within that realm, the top sculpture department in the country is located here as well. Those in this department use a unique process of creative thought, and to create physical representations of abstract […]