Artist of the Week: Meredith Argenzio

Caroline Zemp Guest Columnist Ink Magazine (IM): So from the very beginning can you kind of tell me a little bit about your start, like where you began finding an interest an art, from then all the way to your applying to VCU? Meredith Argenzio (MA): Okay. Well I’ve been doing it and had a […]

Morgan White Guest Columnist The first time I saw “Roseanne?” It was super refreshing and reminded me of that musical with all the cross dressers – that movie of course being The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Whether that’s true or not, I don’t really know. I’ve never actually seen the movie. I don’t know why […]
Dogtown Brings New Orleans to RVA

Aila S. Castane Guest Columnist As Richmond seems to be the mecca of all things art, the place to be this week to get your art fix is Dogtown Dance Theatre. Their annual Mardi Gras RVA! parade and celebration kicked off this past Saturday and will continue the festivities on “Fat Tuesday”, March 4. They […]
A Stay Spooky Playlist

Brandon Geib Guest Columnist In honor of INK Magazine’s new print issue I have decided to blog into existence a companion piece. In the new issue there is a review of a spectacular festival put on at the Camel back in the fall. While an array of bands performed here I have only compiled the […]
Word On The Street

Stan Petrov What brought you to where you are now? “I moved with my family to the U.S. from Bulgaria ten years ago, my parents decided to come here in search of a better life and better opportunities.” What’s your biggest struggle right now? “Going to sleep and waking up on time. Though that is […]
James River Lovers Unite!

Caitlin Stallings Guest Columnist Of the many projects on the plate of the City’s Department of Planning and Development Review, the Brown’s Island Dam Walk (BIDW) is the top priority of the Richmond community. An unexpected number of over 200 Richmond natives showed their support and appreciation for the project at the Department of Planning […]
The Problem With Crowdfunding

Morgan White Guest Columnist I’ve had a few friends in bands start up a Kickstarter or Indiegogo for whatever band they’re in at the moment so that they don’t have to pay out of pocket. Record companies fund money for recording. If a band goes into the studio and the way it sells is below […]
VCU Trends

Alexandra Mitchell scouts the trends on and around VCU Campus.
An Insight Into the Work of Sami Cronk.

Rebecca Metcalf Web Editor Originally from Ashburn, Virginia, Sami Cronk headed to Richmond almost four years ago for VCU’s art program, a mixed media artist that is now a senior in communication arts at VCU, she spoke to Ink about her artistic approach, future endeavours and plans for her work – among them illustrations for […]
Where Punk Goes… Should go next.

Brandon Geib Guest Columnist The Punk Goes… series of cover compilations has been running for quite some time now. However, as the series prepares for its fourteenth release we find the formula getting a bit stale. With and overabundance of Punk Goes Pop variations and the horror that was Punk Goes Crunk I think we […]
Artist of the Week: Joshua and Daniel Braunstein

Caroline Zemp Guest Columnist In the eyes of many people our age, writing seems to be outdated or irrelevant. The only exposure we get to writing these days is through class assignments in high school and college. But while it may be “dated”, the connotation should not be made negative. It is a traditional form […]
5 Things Not To Do While Playing Live Shows.

Morgan White Guest Columnist Playing to an interactive crowd that bounces up and down or is somehow visibly moved through the music is one of the most exhilarating experiences, it helps you establish a feeling of self-worth that you probably wouldn’t have had otherwise. However it also takes time to realize what looks cool and […]