MUSIC REVIEW: The Dune Flowers – Tired of Being Nothing

The newest single from The Dune Flowers, a D.C. based project created by songwriter Tyler Drager, may at first seem like a departure from their characteristic sound. Where songs off their self-titled album rely on clean guitar tones and easy going, catchy ear-worms, “Tired of Being Nothing” employs more electronic elements and experimental production. Despite the track’s novel sound, Drager’s succinct and heartfelt songwriting style remains the same.

Over the past two weeks, I’ve found myself getting closer to VCUarts landscape photographer, Lily Hobart (@lilyhobartt) – a junior in the Photography + Film department. We first bonded in September of last year after learning that we had both transferred from The School of The Art Institute of Chicago. After establishing a desire to be more connected to the wilderness, we both decided to come here. As time progresses and I work beside her in the darkroom, I’ve become increasingly enchanted by her portraits of Earth.
A chat with Sophie Copeland about her time at VCUArts, the ideas that influence her art, and challenges as a ceramic artist.

This past week I had the pleasure of interviewing a senior in the Craft and Materials Studies department, Sophie Copeland. Sophie’s elegant and edgy ceramic pieces caught my eye, and I grew curious about the meaning behind her works.
Humans of RVA: Vol. 2- Herbalicious Yogi

Kathleen Meier is a studying herbalist. Here, she shares her journey in finding herbs and where she wishes her practice to go, as well as voicing her opinions on the rise of herbal medicine in the Western world.
Humans of RVA: Vol. 1- RVA Community Fridge

Meet Taylor Scott, the rockstar behind the RVA community fridge. She led the initiative to put up the first Richmond fridge, and, along with countless fridge volunteers, now has a second one up. Scott walks us through what it means to the Richmond community to have this fridge, and where she hopes it will go.
The Walking Dead: World Beyond

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past decade, you’ve probably heard of the AMC series The Walking Dead. With about 200 million viewers in 125 countries, the wildly popular show is best known for unapologetic violence and blood-thirsty zombies. As our world is evolving, so is the one depicted in the series and, on April 12th, AMC will debut the latest spin-off, World Beyond.
Sitting Down with COIN

Seated in the greenroom, Chase (lead vocals, synth), Joe (guitar), and Ryan (drums) of COIN took the time to talk about their start in music, their experiences on tour, and their upcoming album.
Show Me A Sign: Talking to Shy Lennox About His New Visual

Shy Inspires Us to Stay Cautious About Love This Valentine’s Day Words and Interview by Ross Atkinson Last September, Shy Lennox released his 2018 EP Audition. Ink interviewed him in November about the EP, but today, Shy has come back to the project with a new visual for his hit single Signs. The video beautifully […]
The Witch of the White Sea: Up Close with M83’s Morgan Kibby

By Cort Olsen Many of you may have heard of Morgan Kibby from her time as the keyboardist for the French electronic band M84. Now she has decided to branch off and do her own solo act as White Sea. Kibby will be coming to Richmond to perform with The Naked and Famous […]