Film Review: Don Jon

Kiara Moore Guest Columnist Don Jon starring Joseph-Gordon Levitt is a film that centers on Jon a handsome, charismatic sweet-talker who is known by the moniker “Don Jon” because of his ability to easily and frequently charm women into bed. Oh, and he loves porn. I mean, really loves porn. He has no trouble with […]

What is new in the “Rented World”: A review of The Mezingers New Album

Brandon Geib Guest Columnist The Menzingers might be all that I need to make it though finals week; aside from a disturbing lack of sleep and grotesque abundance of tea. The Philadelphia based pop-punk band has been chugging along for near 8 years now and have yet to mend the chip on their shoulder. This may […]

Artist of the Week: Cameron Spratley

Caroline Zemp Guest Columnist Ink Magazine (IM): When did you first taking an interest in art, and exactly what was it about art that drew you to it? Cameron Spratley (CS): Let’s see… I never really took an interest in it, it was just something I always did. I was just the kid in class […]

Hung Up on the Coathangers

Cort Olsen Editor-in-Chief There are very few bands that keep me coming out every time they come in to town, and The Coathangers is one of the strong few. The Coathangers came to Richmond last night to play their third consecutive show at Strange Matter with the boys from The Audacity along with local bands […]

Featured Artist: Sandra Whittington

Rebecca Metcalf Web Editor Sandra Whittington is a photographer that has focused on the human form – in particular women and how they are represented – for a long time. With her work appearing at the Anderson Gallery and Space.88 her work is known for its candid confrontation of our perceptions of people, her recent […]

Street Art Is(n’t) Vandalism

Morgan White – @MorganWReport Guest Columnist There are several cultures within art. Each part of art has its own subculture filled with their own motivations, attitudes, and overall goals. To the average man who’s outside of the realm of street art the words are most easily translated as graffiti. However, when asking artists themselves about the […]

VCU Trends

Interviews and Fashion sourced by Alexandra Mitchell Photos by Cort Olsen

Keeping Up With Rams Community Bazaar

Brandon Geib Guest Columnist If you guys haven’t already picked up the new issue of INK you need to get on that immediately! There is some great stuff in there. One of the articles is an interview conducted by yours truly with Jessica Shim from Green Unity. April 22, that is Tuesday people, is Earth […]

Album Reviews for Your Studying Pleasure

Paul Hickey Guest Columnist Phantogram – Voices To say that Phantogram’s music is a happy brand would be inaccurate, but there has been a certain lightness to keep spirits up and heads rocking. Their newest release, Voices, has released that lightness and replaced it with something attractively sinister. Voices is much more aggressive than Phantogram’s […]

VCU Trends

Interviews and fashion sourced by Alexandra Mitchell Photos by Cort Olsen

‘How I Live Now’ Film Review

Kiara Moore Guest Columnist I’ve been really into apocalyptic films lately. It’s more than a sit on the edge of your seat and bite your nails experience as I watch people panic when the world falls apart. There is something really profound and compelling about them. Watching our carefully constructed world descend into chaos can […]

Stiletto Club Student Chapter

Carola Rojas Guest Columnist Face it; we all know how awkward and rather difficult it is to come up with the right approach and words to introduce yourself to whoever is sitting near you in your classes, especially when it’s jam packed with 100+ other students. Half of the time, you’re not even sure if […]