From Here to Now to You: Jack Johnson at the Merriweather Post Pavilion

By Caitlin Stallings, guest columnist. Way back when, I saw Jack Johnson perform at the Richmond Coliseum for the Get Out and Vote Tour in 2008. As much as I adore Johnson’s mellow music, I was unable to enjoy his set due to the drunken buffoons belting every single lyric to his songs while also […]
The Witch of the White Sea: Up Close with M83’s Morgan Kibby

By Cort Olsen Many of you may have heard of Morgan Kibby from her time as the keyboardist for the French electronic band M84. Now she has decided to branch off and do her own solo act as White Sea. Kibby will be coming to Richmond to perform with The Naked and Famous […]
Artist of the Week: Nicanor Lotuaco

At the most recent Space.88 show, a frequent and very popular gallery event created in the apartment of VCUarts students Max Runko and John Stavas, one of the most talked about pieces was the ambiguous “Barfday,” a piece by Sculpture major Nicanor Lotuaco. The name itself is a play on words for what the actual […]
Sun Bathing

Photographer: Studio 5800 Makeup & Hair: Tony Yanez Model : Alezandra Babiarz Fashion Columnist : Shaun Jackson Stellar, abbreviated and body-baring, the spread itself stands on the sun and carves “provocative” as a niche and uses its sporty and suggestive feel to create unapologetic swimwear that is sexier than ever while maintaining Have t. Would […]
May Day Parade Takes Action Against Richmond’s Gold Diggers

Caitlin Stallings Guest Columnist May Day dates all the way back to the late nineteenth century when employees had to fight for better working conditions and 8-hour work days. For these reasons, it is also known as International Worker’s Day. The revolutionary holiday originated here in the United States- the land of the free and […]
Welcoming Wicked to Richmond

Brandon Geib Guest Columnist I have two very distinct musical loves, Pop-Punk and Broadway. Usually I focus on the former, today however I focus on the latter. You see last night I had the good fortune of attending the performance of Wicked at the Landmark Theater (Go home, Altria). And while this was outside of […]
Film Review: Don Jon

Kiara Moore Guest Columnist Don Jon starring Joseph-Gordon Levitt is a film that centers on Jon a handsome, charismatic sweet-talker who is known by the moniker “Don Jon” because of his ability to easily and frequently charm women into bed. Oh, and he loves porn. I mean, really loves porn. He has no trouble with […]
What is new in the “Rented World”: A review of The Mezingers New Album

Brandon Geib Guest Columnist The Menzingers might be all that I need to make it though finals week; aside from a disturbing lack of sleep and grotesque abundance of tea. The Philadelphia based pop-punk band has been chugging along for near 8 years now and have yet to mend the chip on their shoulder. This may […]
Artist of the Week: Cameron Spratley

Caroline Zemp Guest Columnist Ink Magazine (IM): When did you first taking an interest in art, and exactly what was it about art that drew you to it? Cameron Spratley (CS): Let’s see… I never really took an interest in it, it was just something I always did. I was just the kid in class […]
Hung Up on the Coathangers

Cort Olsen Editor-in-Chief There are very few bands that keep me coming out every time they come in to town, and The Coathangers is one of the strong few. The Coathangers came to Richmond last night to play their third consecutive show at Strange Matter with the boys from The Audacity along with local bands […]
Featured Artist: Sandra Whittington

Rebecca Metcalf Web Editor Sandra Whittington is a photographer that has focused on the human form – in particular women and how they are represented – for a long time. With her work appearing at the Anderson Gallery and Space.88 her work is known for its candid confrontation of our perceptions of people, her recent […]
VCU Trends

Interviews and Fashion sourced by Alexandra Mitchell Photos by Cort Olsen