Ricky Montgomery’s ‘Rick’: A Reflection of the Past

On September 29th of this year, indie pop icon and Vine star Ricky Montgomery released his second full-length studio album, “Rick.” The album is a unique and intimate reexamination of Montgomery’s tumultuous childhood and teenage years. He explores themes of inadequacy, loss, and vulnerability, all through the lens of his formative life experiences. This album […]

Weekly Roundup: Sudoku, Japanese Sound Rock and Scott Pilgrim

What our staff has been looking at, thinking about, listening to, etc… Andrew: I know what you’re thinking; “Scott Pilgrim is for losers.” But trust me, the new Netflix anime is a hilarious animation masterwork that remixes everything that made the original comic a bit… dicey. Amid the holiday season, “Scott Pilgrim Takes Off” is […]

Fugly Is In!

A sartorial sin so heinous, it’s a crime against fashion humanity. The rebellious lovechild of “funky” and “ugly,” who stands tall, unapologetically defying the norms of good taste. Introducing: “Fugly.” It’s a riot of clashing prints, a symphony of jarring styles and a whimsical dance of silhouettes. “Fugliness” is not merely a lack of aesthetic […]

Untitled Nails

Dear Untitled Nails, Listening to you click together is one of my favorite sounds. Hearing that smooth rhythm that comes from my friends hands, as they express their tellings of the latest gossip. Your drumming in every interaction is a constant comfort. I love the consistency of your clacking, as the girl next to me […]

The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We: Life and Love as an Asian American

This past September, Mitski released her seventh studio album titled “The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We.” With its heart-wrenching lyricism and intricate worldbuilding, this all encompassing project has quickly gained popularity. Mitski goes over life, love, and loss in a hauntingly intricate way. The Japanese-American indie pop singer has been praised for her […]

Men Hate Women: Let’s Talk About It

I ‘that phase where you slowly start hating your girlfriend is crazy😭’ When Twitter user @sk1tguru tweeted this on Oct. 2, the Earth’s crust cracked in half. The conversation in the replies ran long and its reach spanned the cosmos. The boys had something to say, and they were gonna say it loud and strong. […]

What Your Favorite Band Says About You

To say that optimism has infected music journalism is an understatement. The sickly, sticky-residue-on-a-countertop-sweetness that’s permeated the way we write about this artform has ruined too many great publications. Pitchfork used to be downright combative with artists, and now they praise the newest assembly line release as being “something fans will love.” Well sometimes, fans […]

The Art of the Commonplace Book

My grandmother keeps a box of newspaper clippings in her bedroom closet. My brother highlights his favorite book passages. My roommate collects a list of jokes on her Notes app. My desk is full of sticky notes covered in miscellaneous musings. I didn’t have a word for this practice until I was assigned an ongoing […]

A Western Night

Ethel Cain performs at The Warhol in Pittsburgh, PA for the museum’s Sound Series: Block Party. This show is the headliner to the Andy Warhol Museum’s third annual Block Party. The street behind the museum is entirely blocked off and filled with food trucks, merch stands with Ethel Cain’s gothic tees and a bar with […]

A Richmond Guide to Authentic Vintage Fashion

Saturated with fashion-forward individuals and subcultures, Richmond is home to a plethora of unique apparel locations that can cater to any niche. Here, there is nothing that can be considered too extreme or out of the ordinary. At Virginia Commonwealth University, you’ll constantly be exposed to students on complete opposite ends of the fashion spectrum. […]

If I Were A Campus Tour Guide…

Walking out of class most days I’ll cross paths with a campus tour guide, giving their barely-paid spiel to the unsuspecting parents and students, about how star-studded awesome this university is. I always smile, just a bit when I see them, because you see I have this great fever dream,  of just skipping up behind them,  […]