Fashion Crush Friday : Balmain

This week’s Fashion Crush Friday is a storied design house known for being bright, bold, and beautiful: welcome to the world of Balmain. Now is as good a time as any to discuss the esteemed French brand as they are slated to release a full range of clothing, accessories, and footwear with H&M on November […]

The CFDA Awards: Best and Worst Dressed

Allison Oberlin, guest columnist  The CFDA, or the Council of Fashion Designers of America, is a non-for-profit trade association dedicated to supporting American fashion designers. The organization holds an awards night to recognize the successes of designers and businesses within the past year. Although this event focuses on designers, many other musicians, models and celebrities […]

Born Cages at The Canal Club

Written and photographed by James Saulsky, contributing writer It’s 12 am on a stormy Wednesday and the members of Born Cages are homeless for the night. After a half hour of continuous searching, lead singer and guitarist Vlad Holiday finally finds a hotel with open rooms just as his phone emits one last flash of […]

Resurrection Men: Richmond’s Secret Culture of Body-Snatching

By Nilan Vaghjiani, contributing writer Imagine, instead of going out on a late friday night to a local soiree, preparations are made to visit the nearest cemetery.  This cemetery visit is not of sentimental nature and involves you, some hired henchmen, and shovels.  In fact, this visit is a heist known as Body snatching: the […]

Confronting The Stereotype: Up Close with Porcelyn Headen

Written by Kelly Reyes, contributing writer With the topic of social and racial injustice making headlines in the media within the last six months, Porcelyn Headen addresses the issue of stereotypes. Headen, a sophomore studying photography in the VCU School of the Arts, uses both personal experiences and social media in her work. In her […]

Oscars 2015: Best and Worst Dressed

by Shaun Jackson, contributing writer The Oscars are not only a prominent time to celebrate the most influential films in the cinema industry annually, but also a time to celebrate fashion as the Oscar’s red carpet shows us time and time again. Glamour and elegance without a doubt highlighted the red carpet this year, so without further […]

Ain’t No Party like a Richmond Party

By Drew Goodwin, contributing writer Photographs by Will Nelson One of the key distinctions Richmond holds over other areas in  Virginia is the particular culture it has cultivated. An island of misfit toys of sorts, anyone, any creed, background I’d argue is better accepted in the fine streets of the River City. One of most […]

Outcry From Both Sides of the Table at the Public Forum Over Police Conduct in RVA

By Amelia Heymann, contributing writer This past Monday’s public forum between police and citizens of Richmond, including the activist group Justice RVA, discussed police’s treatment of citizens and police conduct during these interactions. The night seemed to have two sides of the table: people who thought the police were doing a great job, and those […]

Winter First Fridays

By Gabriella Lacombe, contributing writer My dear readers, I ask you, for a moment, to imagine a venn diagram. Do not be afraid, this isn’t elementary school. The left circle is dedicated to Art. Written inside are the words “life in palpableform”, “human experience”, “passion” and “feeling”, all finger-painted in a rainbow of gouache. The right circle […]

Goldfish at The Broadberry

Written and photographed by James Saulsky, contributing writer Before last Wednesday, I’d never heard a fish sing — other than that annoying singing bass thing that everyone used to hang on their walls — and I’d definitely never heard one play a saxophone, flute, or upright bass. That all changed over the course of the next few hours. […]

The Identity Monster and You

Gabriella Lacombe,  There is a scene in Alice in Wonderland that I think of often when I get the feeling that someone is going out of their way to impress or be likeable. It is when Alice meets the hookah smoking caterpillar. While he tries to give Alice advice on how to make her way […]

Beyonce x Topshop coming 2015

By Alena Sydnor, Guest Columnists Beyonce and TopShop to create an Athletic Wear Line The buzz in fashion is that the Queen B has paired up with TopShop to design an athletic wear line, Parkwood TopShop Athletic Ltd. This collaboration could have not presented itself at a more ideal time than now, considering the recent […]