Hanifa ‘Dream’ Show Review

On a cold winter day in November, people flocked to the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC to witness something spectacular and special, the Hanifa’s Inaugural Fashion Show called Dream. The brand Hanifa is created by Anifa Mvuemba, a fashion designer  based in Maryland. During the 2020 lockdown, she became well known throughout the fashion industry with a 3D digital fashion show called the Pink Label Capsule that gained worldwide recognition.

MUSIC REVIEW: The Dune Flowers – Tired of Being Nothing

The newest single from The Dune Flowers, a D.C. based project created by songwriter Tyler Drager, may at first seem like a departure from their characteristic sound. Where songs off their self-titled album rely on clean guitar tones and easy going, catchy ear-worms, “Tired of Being Nothing” employs more electronic elements and experimental production. Despite the track’s novel sound, Drager’s succinct and heartfelt songwriting style remains the same.

Music Review: “No More Kim Kelly” – Death Plumes

Death Plumes (formerly known as Rocket Vomit) have taken the opportunity over the past few months to play gigs big and small. From the concrete steps of VCU’s Commons, to DIY home venues, and more traditional settings like the Camel, the three-piece have managed to make a name for themselves with their fervently abrasive punk sound that blends the traditional bluntness of the genre with a refreshingly heartfelt sensibility. 


Philly shoegazers Nothing tore up Richmond Music Hall on Tuesday, December  7th. Highlights of the show included a guitar- specifically a newer-model Fender Jazzmaster- being thrown into the audience, cheesy dad jokes while frontman Dominic Palermo fixed his pedals, and yours truly getting right up in the band members’ faces for pictures.

Pop-up Show Spotlight: 12/12 at the Compass

Over the past semester, pop-up shows around campus have served to showcase the diverse range of talent, originality, and passion that exists in Richmond’s music scene. If you haven’t been to any of these shows, you’ve almost certainly seen their promotional posters taped to lamp posts, hanging on bulletin boards, or posted to social media. They have all been completely free, accessible, and have provided a space for artists to share their music in a welcoming environment that fosters creativity and individuality.

Born Cages at The Canal Club

Written and photographed by James Saulsky, contributing writer It’s 12 am on a stormy Wednesday and the members of Born Cages are homeless for the night. After a half hour of continuous searching, lead singer and guitarist Vlad Holiday finally finds a hotel with open rooms just as his phone emits one last flash of […]

Ain’t No Party like a Richmond Party

By Drew Goodwin, contributing writer Photographs by Will Nelson One of the key distinctions Richmond holds over other areas in  Virginia is the particular culture it has cultivated. An island of misfit toys of sorts, anyone, any creed, background I’d argue is better accepted in the fine streets of the River City. One of most […]

John Butler Trio at the National

Written and photographed by James Saulsky What the hell is a JBT? According to the guys in front of me in line last Sunday, it’s one dank burger that they couldn’t wait to have; according to the marquee above our heads, it’s the John Butler Trio. For one night only on November 16 the special […]

Satellite Syndicate Proves Richmond’s (Still) Got Beats

By Jose D’Alta, Online Editor Photos by Daniel Potes You might’ve seen them online, or at one of the many shows they’ve been putting on recently; Satellite Syndicate is a blessing to a city saturated by Indie Royalty hopefuls, camping-obsessed folk bands, and chord-blasting, first world Anarchists. The beat-driven collective’s been incredibly active since their […]

Whirr Your Head Off: Whirr and Cloakroom at Strange Matter

By Alex Curran, guest columnist Photo by Ryan McLain There is an entire mythos behind the sonic power of shoegaze bands, whether it’s My Bloody Valentine’s ability to make people enter a trance-like state through continuously playing as loud as they possibly can, or the rumor that Whirr has the ability to make audience members […]

Brighter the Moon at the Canal Club

Written by Cort Olsen, Editor-in-Chief Photos courtesy of hcastenphoto.com   Pop punk is like vanilla ice cream, there really is no way to screw it up and pretty much everyone likes vanilla ice cream.  The down side of vanilla ice cream is it gets gets boring after a while.  Pop punk is like feeling nostalgic […]

Iron Reagan is In Your Mouth

Written and photographed by Cort Olsen, Chief Editor For once Facebook’s recommended events finally paid off.  Iron Reagan, War on Women and Prisoner played on October’s First Friday at En Su Boca for the headliner’s record release.  The show was not necessarily “free,” the venue was asking for donations at the door, but the opportunity […]