Nomadic Nature

By David Holden, Guest Columnist Shown by uses of fur and leather, earth tones and crazy prints, designers from Burberry to Valentino gave a salute to the adventuresome yet stylish nomad. Presented in both men’s and women’s RTW, designers captured the restless and wandering soul. Dressed with an eclectic aesthetic, the trend incorporates mixing and matching […]
Reframing Sexuality: The Sexual Epic of Jo

By Kiara Moore, Guest Columnist “Perhaps the only difference between me and other people is that I’ve always demanded more from the sunset. More spectacular colors when the sun hit the horizon. That’s perhaps my only sin.” Nymphomaniac raked in a lot of attention for its salacious movie posters and it’s cryptic, sex-filled […]
The Dope Diaries: America’s Downward Spiral

Caitlin Stallings Guest Columnist Heroin first made its peak in 1898 and still is growing in popularity in our country. According to NBC Nightly News, heroin abuse in America has nearly doubled between 2007 and 2012. Many news organizations, including NBC Nightly News and BBC News, say one of the reasons for this horrific […]
FUCK SAM DAHMAN: Shooting with Richmond’s Worst

By Jose D’Alta | Online Editor You may not have heard of him, but Sam Dahman has quickly gained some notoriety for being Richmond’s Worst. What is he the worst of? I have no idea, because the twenty-one year-old photographer’s accomplishments are nothing to laugh at. His style is unusual, provocative, and sensual yet […]

By Cort Olsen, Editor-in-Chief Last Thursday Epic Fest took over Gallery 5 for the night as all types of local Richmond rappers came through the venue to share their talents with the people. The night had its high points with break dancers, heavy bass beats, super sharp rhymes and a bit of rap rock […]
Sporty Spice: Sportswear Goes Beyond the Street

By Jessica Morgan, guest columnist The evolution of sports luxe fashion has possibly hit a peak since surfacing a few years ago. For 2014, minimalism and luxury are key concepts of this trend. The industries of luxury fashion and sportswear are merging, especially in the form of footwear. Collaborations with designers like Jeremy Scott, […]
Paracosm at The National: Washed Out Live

By Caroline Zemp, photos by Jose D’Alta There’s something about the musical genre “chillwave” that is surprisingly easy to connect with as a listener. While still relatively unexplored by the greater public, it holds a significant amount to offer to those willing to explore it. Chillwave, known also as “glo-fi” and often described as […]
Heavy Metal in the Runways

By Jessica Morgan, guest columnist Sure, everything that glitters isn’t gold, some things are silver, bronze, and even iridescent. However, one thing is for sure: it’s all GLAMOROUS. The idea that metallics are tacky or strictly for evening and New Years parties is nothing more than a fashion myth, much like “No white after […]
HEADLESSMANTIS, Andrew Harrison, and Parentheses at The Compound

By Cort Olsen A new house show venue has emerged in Richmond and it goes by the name The Compound. Last Tuesday it made its debut featuring Andrew Harrison, the boys of Parentheses and the devilish duo Devon Hammer and Tim Othy of HEADLESSMANTIS. Judging by the turnout of the underground house show scene this […]
Go Floral: The Efflorescence of Men’s Florals

By Shaun Jackson, guest columnist While florals aren’t exactly a “new” trend (insert Devil Wears Prada quote here), an upsurgence of florals for men reaffirms the trend is alive and well, slowly turning over a new leaf for men’s fashion everywhere. Atypical from your average garden party, the floral movement for men is […]
From Here to Now to You: Jack Johnson at the Merriweather Post Pavilion

By Caitlin Stallings, guest columnist. Way back when, I saw Jack Johnson perform at the Richmond Coliseum for the Get Out and Vote Tour in 2008. As much as I adore Johnson’s mellow music, I was unable to enjoy his set due to the drunken buffoons belting every single lyric to his songs while also […]
The Witch of the White Sea: Up Close with M83’s Morgan Kibby

By Cort Olsen Many of you may have heard of Morgan Kibby from her time as the keyboardist for the French electronic band M84. Now she has decided to branch off and do her own solo act as White Sea. Kibby will be coming to Richmond to perform with The Naked and Famous […]